展览时间:2012-02-25 ~ 2012-03-25
参展艺术家:Cyril Galmiche
开幕时间:2012-02-25 17:00~19:00
作为2012年上午艺术空间的首个国外艺术家驻地项目,来自法国的年轻艺术家 Cyril Galmiche将通过影像纪录下上海给予他的最有趣的感受。精心安排的分镜头被尽可能以模拟纪实的拍摄方式纪录,演员在不同场景相同轨迹的路径和画面中极不显眼的刻意安排仿佛在暗示这一切的荒诞和不可信。
——Cyril Galmiche
As the first residency artist of am art space, Cyril Galmiche investigated into the concept of displacement within the city by video. He try to create another time, that interminably repeats, a cycle that possess neither beginning nor end, in which he gathered six trajectories shot in six different venues, with which gave a peculiar hint.
"My work consists in decomposing and recomposing various times and spaces. I like to add fictional details while I am composing; a sort of scenario in which the main protagonist is the city, whereas the interweaving of movements and the additional elements are the plot."
——Cyril Galmiche
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