展览时间:2012-03-17 ~ 2012-03-30
开幕时间:2012-03-17 15:00~17:00
“我一直梦想参与进北京充满活力的艺术领域,有什么比在红门画廊与传奇的布朗·华莱士 一起工作的梦更叫人难舍。可是天下没有不散的宴席,又有什么比用《行·我所愿》这次 展做告别的更好方式呢!这次告别展将囊括红门所有闪耀的明星艺术家。 我带着些许伤 感离开北京去往巴黎,但我知道中国今天的当代艺术家是前赴后继、勇往直前的。对我来 说,这是一次愉快有趣而又充满收获的体验。谢谢你们,后会有期!”
《行·我所愿》的开幕将于周六,3月17日从下午3点到5点在东便门角楼,此次展览 将持续进行至 2012 年的3月30日。
Red Gate Gallery presents "Tous Mes Voeux!" curated by Gallery Manager Liyu Yeo who is leaving China after a two and half year stint at Red Gate.
“I had dreamt of an involvement in the vibrant Beijing art scene and what better dream than Red Gate Gallery and its legendary Brian Wallace. But even great dreams must come to an end and what better ending than Tous Mes Voeux! my swansong which represents all the stars of Red Gate. I leave Beijing with some sadness as I move to Paris but I know there will be no turning back for China’s contemporary artists today. It has been fun and very rewarding. Thank you and a bientot!”
The vernissage for "Tous Mes Voeux!" will be on Saturday, March 17 from 3–5 pm at the Dongbianmen Watchtower and the exhibition will run till March 30, 2012.
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