展览时间:2012-03-04 ~ 2012-04-15
策 展 人:马腾·贝尔特
开幕酒会:2012-03-04 17:00~19:00
俄罗斯制造 俄罗斯当代艺术展 2012年3月4日—4月15日 本次展览的标题可以看作是给众所周知的“中国制造”标签加的一个具有讽刺意味的注脚。如今,许多产品都是中国制造,却几乎找不到什么产品是俄罗斯制造。
MADE IN RUSSIA NINE CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN ARTISTS March 4th – April 15th, 2012 The title of this exhibition can be interpreted as an ironic commentary on the well-known label “Made in China”. Today it seems that many products are produced in China, and it is seldom that one finds products that are made in the Russia.
Made In Russia presents a selection of nine Russian artists who have not only been exhibiting in Russia, but have also shown their work in international arenas. Some of the artists are based in Russia and some work abroad. Fortunately, the Diaspora of a large group of Russian artists has not affected the artistic climate in centers like Moscow or St. Petersburg so far. Many artists still meet in these centers and the art market has flourished.
The introduction of a group of young Russian artists at THE OTHER GALLERY will bring the Chinese audience in contact with several artistic approaches and views that can be found in today’s art galleries in Russia and beyond.
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