您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 丰富机制——2012国际艺术家驻地项目
展览时间:2012-04-01 ~ 2012-05-13
参展艺术家:阿姆·索莱沃尔 (荷兰)
开幕时间:2012-03-31 16:00~19:00


艺术家Aam Solleveld对现实中的物体做减法,使作品中的对象抽象化。而身份、文化或情绪在这过程中一次又一次地得到保留。它最终成为一种抽象形式,获得新的含义。Aam将绘画手法融入装置中进行创作,用线条贯穿二维空间和三维空间,并让内外空间倒置,试图混淆观众的感官。她的作品以一种不可忽视的姿态直指物体的本质。

Aam Solleveld,1999年毕业于荷兰阿姆斯特丹桑德伯格艺术学院,并于2001年到2003年期间参加荷兰皇家艺术驻村。Aam生活和工作在阿姆斯特丹,她曾多次到中国参加展览。2004年Aam参加了厦门中欧艺术中心的驻村项目,并同一年在北京举办个展。2008年,她的作品在北京当代艺术馆”Elements”展览中展出。2010年她的作品在上海荷兰文化馆“对话2010”展出。

The law of the world seems to be arranged at different levels, nature may have its own code and potential password. The visual of objects and architecture, is not built in accordance with the same principle, but according to the actual demand. Can this be comparable with the existence of the natural order? Under the man-made context, whether we can find the same order as in nature?

Aam Solleveld using subtraction for the reality of objects, and make it works to explore the object abstraction. Identity, cultural or emotional is retained in this process again and again. Eventually it becomes an abstract form, get a new meaning. She is using the way of mixed the drawing into the installation to create. The senses of the audience are confused by abstract line walking through the two-dimensional space and three-dimensional space. Her works is directed at the nature of the objects in an unheeded gesture.

Aam Solleveld graduated from Sandberg Insituut in Amsterdam in 1999, and to participate in the Rijksakademie residency in the period from 2001 to 2003. Aam live and work in Amsterdam, she has made many trips to China to participate in the exhibition. In 2004, Aam participate in a residency project of Chinese European Art Centre in Xiamen, and held a solo exhibition the same year in Beijing. In 2008, Museum of Contemporary Art Exhibition "Elements" features her works in Beijing. Also in 2010, Dutch Culture “dialogue” features her works in Shanghai.

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