展览时间:2012-04-14 ~ 2012-05-27
开幕时间:2012-04-13 18:30
游走在黎小杰细心为观众营造的天台景致中,正如走在艺术家心灵的花园里。《秘密花园》- 黎小杰绘画展获澳门特区政府社会文化司司长办公室赞助部份经费,展览开幕式将于四月十三日(星期五)下午六时半于全艺社会址举行,展期为四月十四日至五月廿七日。
Lai Sio kit is a well-known young painter who attained the Bachelor and Master Degree of Oil Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing) in 2006 and 2009, he is a full-time painter at present. He has ever participated in more than 20 solo and group exhibitions in Korea, Beijing and Macau. Art For All Society have also introduced his works to international Art Fairs held in Singapore, Taipei and also the Chongqin Young Art Festival and were so popular to the art lovers. In addition, some of his works were collected by the Macao Museum of Art and private buyers.
Lai Sio Kit’s renowned works are his "Together" series, it shows the unique landscape of the stacked rooftops of Macau old town from a high angle. In this exhibition, Lai has once again captured the urban scenery of Macao from a high angle. But this time his focus has no longer lingered on a great host of rooftops or buildings but a single structure space -- roof terrace. As Lai said that a roof terrace was somehow a private but exposed area. Some people might use these spaces for storing miscellaneous old items while others plant; some roof terraces are more organized and some are in disarray. Even though different families arrange their roof terraces in different ways, these areas are always full of breath of life and human touches, this is the ‘Secret Garden’ created by Lai Sio Kit. In his paintings, Potted plants are no longer just plants; the miscellaneous items are not all just miscellaneous: they represent the painter’s trajectory of thought and state of private dialogue. As curator, Bianca Lei says, ‘ Amidst the rapid development of the city, these are exactly the moments and scenes we desperately need to cherish.’
The Opening of‘The Secret Gardens’- Paintings by Lai Sio Kit will be held at 6:30 p.m. on 13th April, 2012 at AFA. This exhibition was partly sponsored by Secretariat of Social Affairs and Culture of Macao SAR Government. The exhibition period is from 14th April to 27th May and is free admission.
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