展览时间:2012-04-07 ~ 2012-04-22
开幕时间:2012-04-07 16:00
空间站将于2012年4月7日举办“敷·衍”四人联展。展览集中了何伟、李姝睿、万杨、周思维四位年轻艺术家近年的绘画作品。“敷衍”在古文中做“敷布曼衍”。 《文选·张衡<西京赋>》中“篠簜敷衍,编町成篁。”薛综 注:“敷,布也。衍,蔓也。”敷,同布,同肤,布置、铺陈、涂抹、粉搽。衍,则为展开、散布、分布、多余,低而平坦,过多而丰富。敷和衍在这里拆开叙述,则恰是展览中四位艺术家的创作方式,遮盖铺陈,涂抹隐蔽,从表面到表面,从皮肤到皮肤。对于层层叠叠表皮式作画方式的最细微之处的苛求,使过程接近于一种执拗的苦工式的偏执。叠压、涂抹、覆盖、遮挡,都成为他们作品中重要的工作方式。一种暗黑的,吸引一切光线的场域式组合,则是使这些平面的作品中陷入某种深邃的,不可触摸和预知的无穷无尽的世界。
Space Station will hold a group exhibition "Cohere & Unroll" on April 7th, 2012. The gallery will exhibit the recent artworks of four young artists, namely: He Wei, Li ShuRui, Wang Yang, Zhou SiWei. " Cohere & Unroll" means " Cohere on cloth, then spread and unroll" in classical Chinese, originated from the anthology " big and small bamboos cohere and unroll, then form into a bamboo forest." in the article " Xi Jing Fu" by Zhang Heng. " Cohere, like cloth, like skin, sets up, lays out, sticks on, spreads out. Unroll, like expands, spreads, diffuses, excesses. Low and flat, excessive and abundant". The reason why the two words "Cohere & Unroll" are explained respectively, is to describe the ways how four artists created their artworks: covering up and laying out, spreading out and hiding up, from surface to surface, from skin to skin. The extremely strict demanding of every little detail on the overlapping surfaces makes the whole process like a stubborn paranoid ordeal. Overlapping, Spreading, Covering, Hiding, all these are the vital creation methods in the artworks. This dark space combination, which absorbs all lights, will lead the artworks into a deep, intangible, and unpredictable infinite world.
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