展览时间:2012-04-28 ~ 2012-06-10
这是克里马斯在中国的首次个展,由两个系列组成:“功夫武士”系列(2004-‐\ 8)和最新的“丝巾”系列(2011),这两个系列都体现了充分的艺术张力。
克里马斯将中国的功夫人像瓷器摔到地上,捕捉瓷像爆裂时那有力、独特的一瞬间,强调了这些“临时雕塑”极富冲击力的特性。陶瓷武士从3 米高的地方落下,破裂为碎片,展示了极其罕见的七千分之一秒的瞬间。这种极具动感、令人惊叹的瞬间传递出在彻底打破完全静止的生命时,其中所隐藏的尊严与美。
The OTHER GALLERY is pleased to announce the exhibition of photographs by German artist MARTIN KLIMAS – MOVEMENTS.
His first China solo show is a combination of 2 main series: ‘Kung Fu Warriors’ (2004-08) and the latest series‘Foulard’ (2011) due to their explicit energetic pursuit.
By dropping the Chinese made Kung Fu figurines, which crash on the ground, Martin Klimas catches the very moment of a powerful and unique burst, emphasizing their fierce character as "temporarysculpture”. Falling from a height of 3 meters, ceramic fighters smash, sliver and expose a rarely seen moment of a 7th millisecond. This dynamic and surprising glimpse exposes a play of dignity and beauty hidden in total destruction in his radical and elemental still lifes.
His latest series‘Foulard’is put in relation to the energetic warriors. High-quality silk scarves provide the thematic background with an ambivalent nature between two- and three-dimensionality.
Particularly focusing on the pictorial character of these fashion accessories, Martin Klimas interacts with minimalist geometric patterns on luminous silk.
The gentle and slender movements of the scarfs reveal a teasing play of colors and light tobewitch the eye.
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