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小是美丽 第三辑:小雕塑展
展览时间:2012-04-21 ~ 2012-06-17
参展艺术家:东子、Han Haklim、黄永玉、许鸿飞、Joy Brown、 冯力仁、金贤淑、Nathalie Decoster、陈闪、 苏波、张宁
开幕酒会:2012-04-21 17:00~19:00

狮语画廊很荣幸展出“小是美丽”第三辑,一个小雕塑的群展。受到上海特有的精致微型花园景观的灵感启发,狮语画廊收集了来自世界各地,风格各异的艺术家们的小雕塑作品。艺术家有东子、Han Haklim、黄永玉携手许鸿飞、Joy Brown、 冯力仁、金贤淑、Nathalie Decoster、陈闪、 苏波、张宁等。展览自2012年4月21日起至6月17日。

娜塔利·德科斯特是一名广受喜爱的雕塑家,自1985年开始居住于法国。除了众多在公园,公共学院,高级酒店和公司办公楼内的公众雕塑装置外, 德科斯特也与法国首饰设计师 Arthus Bertrand合作,发表了她的银饰首饰。








Leo Gallery has gathered small sculpture works by distinguished artists of varied styles and influences. Artists include Joy Brown, Nathalie Decoster, Dong Zi, Kevin Fung, Huang Yongyu (in cooperation with Xu Hongfei), Kim Hyunsook, Sim Shan, Su Bo, Zhang Ning … The group exhibit will be on display  from Saturday, April 21st until Sunday, June 17th 2012.

Nathalie Decoster is a widely loved sculptor living in France since 1985. Besides numerous installations on the grounds of public parks, public institutions,  luxury hotels and corporate offices, Decoster has also launched a line of silver jewelry in collaboration with French jeweler Arthus-Bertrand.

Dong Zi is a most free spirited artist whose artistic pursuits brought her to many years of study of ceramic art in France followed by adventurous traveling  from France to Nepal, Tibet to Guizhou, Yunan to Xinjiang...where she allowed herself to be absorbed into the different cultures. She now works in Beijing  and at times the ancient pottery town of Jin De Zhen. Her artwork reflects her free soul with artistic statements expressed in different media that ranges  from ceramic to painting on canvass, to woodwork and metal. Her works also oscillate from functional art such as furniture and utensils, to pure art form  of paintings and sculptures.

Kevin Fung is a sculptor known for his snapshots of Hong Kong middle class. Simple narrative dominates his work. After having depicted businessmen  carrying suitcases in his “Baggage series”, Fung describes mankind and its questionings in his piece “Groping forward”.

Huang Yongyu, known throughout the world as the “devil of painting”, has traveled in many countries and has a weakness in his heart for Italy. Huang  enjoys making friends and his friendship with sculptor Xu Hongfei is now reknowned among the Art community. “Adam and Eve” is a collaboration  creation from Huang and Xu. These two sculptures, recalling primitive ages, not only tell the experience and story of every man, but also inspire one to  think of the origin of life.

Kim Hyun Sook  is a Korean artist born in 1970 and living in Seoul. Tools are the main subject of her work. Hyun Sook Kim “Plamodel” (Plastic Model)  shows us a plastic landscape which is derived from the relationship between her tools and herself, a landscape of her identity as an artist. Her artwork can  be seen at the Art Bank National Museum of Contemporary Art in Korea and in the Seoul Museum of Art.

Sim Chan is a Chinese artist who lives and works in Hong Kong. He has been exploring visual art and digital media to measure and reflect upon the world  and the city in which he lives since his graduation from Fine Art, at the Hong Kong Art School in 2008. Sims work is a tangible expression of the desire to  unlock and blur boundaries of forms within the city. Sim has exhibited in many group exhibitions since 2007and his work has been collected by national  and international private art collectors.

Su Bo is a promising young Chinese artist who has been studying in Germany after graduating with a BFA from the Environmental Art Department of Xi'an  Academy of Fine Arts. Still early in his career, Su is showing great promise as a sculptor who infuses humor and personal narrative in his work.

Zhang Ning is a young Chinese artist born in the 80s in Shangdong Province. He is graduated from Shanghai Normal University in Fine Arts. His sculpture  is brimming with nostalgia of his hometown: now living in Shanghai, he can only find tranquility in carving about the past.

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