展览时间:2012-05-07 ~ 2012-05-20
展览地点:杂家lab/ beijing project space
策 展 人:茜茜
开幕时间:2012-05-06 16:00
“在空间的多个物品中,Perec 谈论的是天花板,以及蝴蝶结和装饰物的角度是如何提示他其他观点和书籍的困惑之处。所以,当你躺在床上时,我一直把天花板看作源源不断的灵感的来源。装置将是一天中第一想法的在一个待定的但是持续的期间内的聚集的一个结果。一天中的第一个想法的限制选择是由困难的挑战的一个想法,体现它本身在一个特定时间,当你在半睡半醒之间,这时刻定义了从有意识到无意识的状态的切换。纽带的特征很难定义,很难抓住和控制。”
"In Species of spaces, Perec talks about the ceilings and how the tangles of rosettes and decorations reminds him other labyrinths of ideas and words. So I have been imaging the ceiling as the place where the thoughts go and stick to,when you are lying on your bed. The installation will be the result of the collection of the first thought of the day during an undetermined but continuous period. The restricted choice of the first thought of the day is dictated by the difficulty on defying a thought that reveals itself in a specific time, when you are between sleeping and waking, moment that defines the switch from the unconscious state to the conscious one. Trait d’union hardly definable, difficult to catch and control."
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