展览时间:2012-04-29 ~ 2012-05-12
开幕时间:2012-05-05 18:00~21:00
stage候台BACK is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Chris Gill presenting works on paper. It provides an overview of his work from the last 20 years all of which has never been exhibited before.
Chris Gill's works are full of verve and life; they reflect a positive and vital creativity which mirrors his choice of colours, shapes and themes. This is no less true of his drawings as opposed to his paintings. These works on paper are colourful, dynamic, daring and will seduce viewers into a world of joyful chaos.
As an autodidact artist, he imbeds in his work a wide variety of cultural artifacts. You can readily see traces of the artist's experiences traveling and living in foreign societies, during which he has faced challenges and gained many impressions.
We invite you on a journey to discover the varied motifs running across the drawings in this exhibition which include abstract portraits, busy street scenes, nudes, religious imagery, cultural chaos, depravity, as well as recognisably African and Asian influences.
Chris Gill has also conducted extensive research into Asian societies, and is published frequently in publications such as The Art Newspaper, and Yishu Journal.
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