展览时间:2012-06-01 ~ 2012-07-08
高铭研对“日常”的迷恋,引发了他各种形式的创作。无论是早期的录像《高尔夫》、《Come On》和装置作品《绿》等,还是近年的装置作品《误读》Mis-understanding系列,显示出他管窥全局的观察方式与视角。《痕迹》Trace系列目前有7个动画作品,短片的画面始于空白的二维平面,随着时间的推进,平面上开始出现物品被使用后留下的斑驳的印记,每往前一帧,印记便在艺术家的控制下渐渐形成了具象的事物。这组动画组品曾在去年的香港艺术博览会(ArtHK)上展出。艺术家通过个体式的情感体验将公共经验私人化,试图唤起人们对生活中的“日常”的再理解。这一系列短片在美学风格上延续了其特有的幽默和睿智。
来自日本的朝鲜艺术家南孝俊因自身的特殊经历-在日本的朝鲜学校读书多年-他的作品显得与年龄很不相符。从最初的录像《蔬菜》到近期的现成品绘画作品《 Vogue》,无不显露出艺术家对过往的困惑;虽然生长于日本,坚持在不熟悉的人面前讲日文,并且对于自小受到的朝鲜教育半信半疑,但是他对朝鲜的关注度却是极高的。这次展出的绘画作品就是他对政治化的祖国的抽象表达。
从2010年底开始,张乐华的作品脉络越来越清晰:对约定俗成的规章制度、社会伦理等既定标准的挑衅贯穿了他的作品。不管是录像《喊叫绘画速成教学》A Speed-up Educational Program of Shout Painting,还是貌似海报的《科普宣传画》Science Poster系列,他力图让他的作品看起来很严肃很和谐,如同一场说教,但是总在背后有着一种自嘲式的纠结,以及偷偷试探规则底线的少年心理。虽然张乐华精通绘画,但是在《带有绘画感的刻画》系列,他用烙铁代替画笔在既成的照片上重新创作,工具的改变依然是他心底里对既定规则的小反叛。
Vanguard Gallery will bring a new series of exhibitions "Warehouse Story" in the early summer, which will successively show brilliant works from the gallery artists. Its first exhibition will present following creations: 7 animations and some correlative pictures from Gao Mingyan’s series works “Trace”; New paintings from Nam Hyojun created in the period of political changes on the Korean Peninsula, who is a artist with special identity-- a Japanese born with a Korean origin; Photo based works to be continued by Zhang Lehua from his last year beginning series creations “Strokes and engraving with a sense of painting”. Although it is named “warehouse”, the show actually will display some new works from each artist.
Gao Mingyan’s infatuation with “Everyday” brings on his creation in vary forms. His global observation and perspectives are shown in all these works, whether his early video “Golf”, "Come On" and the installation "Green", or the series of installations "Misreading" created in recent years. "Trace" series currently have seven animation works, which begin with blank two-dimensional plane pictures. As time goes on, mottled imprint from the used materials appears on the plane, and it gradually forms concrete things under the artist’s control. The set of animations was displayed in ArtHK2011. Artist tries to evoke people’s fresh look at "Everyday" through his privatizing public experience into his individual emotional experience. The series of short animations last its particular humor and wisdom on the aesthetic style.
Studying in North Korean school in Japan for many years, the special experience makes works seemed quite unfitting with the age of the Korean artist from Japan-- Nam HyoJun. Artist’s confusion of the past is revealed in works from the original video “Vegetables " to current finished ready-made painting "Vogue". Nam HyoJun pays extreme attention on North Korea though he grows up in Japan, insists on speaking Japanese in front of unfamiliar people and feels dubious about early North Korea education. The paintings in this exhibition are his abstract expression of politicized motherland.
From the end of 2011, the tread of Zhang Lehua’s works has become increasingly clear: his works are run through provocations to some established standards, such as rules and regulations fixed by usage, social ethics, etc. No matter in video “A Speed-up Educational Program of Shout Painting” or in the painting series “Science Poster”,he tried to make his works seeming very serious and harmonious as a sermon, but he always hided a self-deprecating sense of tangle behind the scenes and secretly tested the juvenile psychology approaching the bottom line of rules. Despite being versed in painting, Zhang Lehua recreated by using Iron instead of brush on ready-made photos, because changing tools was a small rebellion to established rules for him.
The exhibition will last for one month till July 8th.
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