展览时间:2012-05-13 ~ 2012-06-17
开幕时间:2012-05-12 15:00
在ALEXANDER OCHS画廊的草场地"灰房子"艺术家居留项目的三个月期间,北京丰富多彩的艺术形式,技法和中国式的即兴创作方式(每种结论都对应一个问题)给福亚特带来灵感,从而专门为此次展览创作了一系列的机械装置。
From view of the sun, the author of this lines moves with high speed on an approximately circular course around the sun and at the same time he moves, likewise with high speed, in a circle around the axis of the earth. From the perspective of the reader, however, the author seems to stand still.
Confronting the perfidities of day-to-day life, Frederik Foert constantly rearranges his household and generates small cinematic moments by constructing kinetic objects. In his work, Foert creates motion studies of several kinds. Ignoring the laws of physics, he builds artistic experimental setups out of everyday items. As resources for this, he uses his immediate living environment and travelling souvenirs. Household-appliances and tools are props and protagonists at the same time, exploiting their own drive mechanism or transferring their power to other objects.
The scripts of these three-dimensional film-loops can be further developed in the viewer's imagination. From the hammer drill to the hi-fi system and the food processor - no technical equipment is too complex or banal, to be able to be transformed by a layman hand for a new purpose. To the moon on a washing machine, into orbit by record player! Foert's narrative motion studies draw the viewer's attention to the apparently absent people behind the technical equipment and always walk on the tight-rope between humour and tragedy. Poetry in Motion!
In addition to those installations and objects, Frederik Foert creates video works, drawings, and collages. What they all have in common is the simplicity of their construction. Every piece is a construction kit and materials can be reinstated back into their original surroundings.
While having a three month residency at the "Grey House" studio of ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING in Caochangdi Art Village, he got inspired by China's colorful arts and crafts culture and the chinese way of improvisation (for every solution there's a problem). And so he created all mechanical objects and ready mades especially for this exhibition.
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