展览时间:2012-06-17 ~ 2012-07-31
策 展 人:杜曦云
赞 助:天府长岛
开幕时间:2012-06-16 16:00~18:00
December 29, 1951, the legendary Latin America Marxist revolutionary—Che Guevara started with a friend from the Argentine city of Buenos Aires, through Argentine, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Venezuila, taking eight months to complete a motorcycle tour, which changed Che's life, as well as the pattern of South American ideology, and the structure of the world's political discourse.
December 29, 2011, the famous contemporary artist in China—He Gong started alone from Buenos Aires to re-take the motorcycle journey of Che Guevara, taking months to complete a long-planned spiritual baptism, recording a series of travel literature, creating new works of self-transcendence.
Between two pure and idealist dream chasers, thus a spiritual conversation begins.
It is my honor to pronounce that the "Patagonia Wind",He Gong's 2nd solo exhibition in A Thousand Plateau Art Space,is going to open on 16, June, 2012. The works in this exhibition were made after his motorcycle tour following Che Guevara's path from the end of last year to the beginning of this year. These works include large size paintings,installations and pertaining documentaries. From these works we can see Mr.He's continual and deeper concerning on previous issues and his spiritual conversation with another great idealist Che as well.
He Gong, the famous contemporary artist, was born in Chongqing,China in 1955. In 1978, he was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of Southwest Normal University, and won the Master's degree at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1985. He is now a professor and doctoral tutor in Arts College of Sichuan University. Since the early 1980s, when Chinese contemporary art started to thrive, He Gong began his personal art practice. During the period of postgraduate, he created works such as Dilute Memory and Bach's Metaphor to show his reflections on history and culture and the concerns of man's present living condition. From 1986, He Gong studied in the United States and Canada as a visiting artist and visiting professor at several universities, during which he had actively participated in the international academic forum and continued his personal art activities. In the process of studying Western post-modern movement in art, he created paintings, installations and conceptual art, such as the installations Dream of Ark, This is Not The Mayflower, Program of The Post-Yangtze Dolphin, oil painting European Station, The Subway to Brooklyn, and so on, to convey the cross-cultural feeling and thinking. After coming back to China at the beginning of this century, the works of He Gong tended to be more concretely presenting the cultural and philosophical speculations. A strong tension exudes from the paintings with seemingly casual and random brushstrokes unveils He Gong's doubts and his pursuit of ideal as an intellectual artist. It is exactly this pursuit that inspired He Gong, the dream chaser, re-embark on the trip to Patagonia Plateau at the 60th anniversary of Che Guevara's motorcycle trip.
Patagonia Wind is a personal art project carried out by renowned artist He Gong with the assistance of A Thousand Plateau Art Space, TIANFU PARK ISLAND and other individuals. The project was initiated by Mr.He and accomplished jointly by himself, A Thousand Plateau Art Space and curator Du Xiyun. This project is a necessity for Mr.He as an "organic artist" who has always been scepticizing, questioning dream-chasing and experimenting and it's also the extension of his substantial art works. We can even say, Mr.He's best and greatest work is exactly his constant scepticizing ,questioning and chasing of his ideals and this could possibly be the most important historical value created by Mr.He as one of China' first generation of contemporary artists. Based on the same or similar reason, A Thousand Plateau Art Space and relative organizations and individuals also took part in this project with great passion and responsibility. The accomplishment of this project will undoubtedly promote and elevate He's individual value as an outstanding artist, meanwhile, it will present a valuable reference for the developing Chinese contemporary art and culture, especially in today's chaotic and fickle China.
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