展览时间:2012-08-18 ~ 2012-10-21
策 展 人:唐重
开幕时间:2012-07-14 16:00
缪鹏飞是澳门当代最优秀的艺术家之一,也是中国当代最出色的艺术家之一,他的艺术作品涉及西画、书法、装置等领域。他既接受中华文化的熏陶, 同时亦深受西方艺术观念的影响。他的艺术作品以独特的面貌,把东方传统艺术与西方绘画的表现手法融为一体,拓展了现代绘画的新视野。前贾梅士博物馆馆长江连浩曾这样评价缪鹏飞:“这位出生于上海的画家,他的勇敢精神在于冲破澳门对现代派的偏见……这个艺术家的作品,在推动社会文化方面,做出了狠大的贡献。”
缪鹏飞一九三六 年出生于中国上海,毕业于福建师范学院美术系,一九八二年移居澳门,一九九九年获澳门政府颁发「文化功绩勋章」。曾任澳门理工学院艺术高等学校教授,南京艺术学院客席教授,上海大学美术学院客席教授。缪鹏飞对澳门文化艺术作出巨大贡献,他于一九八六年与太太袁之钦、马若龙、郭桓、吴卫鸣、马伟达等创立了“澳门文化体·现代画会”,该组织成为澳门当代艺术画展最重要的推手之一。
在缪鹏飞的作品中你能够看到东方的艺术精神与西方的抽象表现主义艺术融合一体,运色精准,随意而自然。交错的黑与白使得观者的视觉系统被这种混沌却不失章法的融合重新组织起来。画面上看似任意的挥洒顿时成为纯粹而抽象的故事画面,是超乎于意象之外,却又在法度之中的艺术。他的抽象绘画作品完全诠释了美国艺评家阿尔森·波布尼(Arsen Pohribny)对抽象绘画功能的阐释——“寻找一个混沌世界的真谛,真正地领悟这个世界,并赋予它秩序感。”缪鹏飞的作品可以说达到了一个建立于法度之上的境界,这种境界来自他超强的悟性和对艺术完美的不断追求。他的作品有着强烈的个性和明显的东方气息,《新黑白系列》让人感觉像是在西式的艺术背景下感受中国的太极,玄学,或是那些不能被分清的基因或墨迹。在东西方文化不断走向融合及相互呼应的今天,缪鹏飞的作品在这基础上赋予了绘画新的概念,那是抽象对历史的叙述、是东西文化横向的冲撞。
The opening of the exhibition “A Frontier Odyssey – Works by Mio Pang Fei” organized by AFA (Art for All Society) will be held at 4:00pm on 18 August in AFA Beijing. The exhibition will exhibit 13 selected paintings of the famous Macau artist Mio Pang Fei.
As one of the most important contemporary artists of Macau and China, Mio Pang Fei creates artworks in forms of paintings, Chinese calligraphy and installation etc. He is trained under Chinese culture while deeply influenced by western art theory and technique. His works integrate oriental traditional art and western paintings, build up a new horizon for contemporary art. The former curator of the Luis de Camões Museum Mr. Jiang Lianhao commented that, ‘this artist, born in Shanghai, is determined in changing the bias of the Macau artist towards modernism. His artworks made vast contributions to the reformation of the social culture’
Mio Pang Fei was born in Shanghai in 1937 and was graduated from the Painting Department of Fujian Provincial Institute. Moved to Macau in 1982, he was awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit by the Macau Government in 1999. He was also the Professor and the Guest Professor of the Macao Polytechnic Institute, Nanjing Art School, and Shanghai College of Arts. Aside from focusing on art and related education profession, He has also established Espaco de Arte de Albergue with his wife Un Chi Iam, Carlos Marreiros, Guo Huan, Ung Vai Meng and Victor Hugo Marreiros in 1986. This organization is an important element of the development of Macau contemporary art.
In Mio Pang Fei’s works, one can experience the integration of the essence of both eastern art and western abstract expressionism art. The works are colored in a precise, casual and natural manner. The interlaced black and white rearranges the viewers’ visual system with chaos rather than disorder. The painting which was made under freewill seems like a pure and abstract story which is beyond the image, but within the rule. These abstract paintings are a complete interpretation towards the description of the abstract painting functions by the American art critic Arsen Pohribny, ‘to find the true meaning of chaos, to comprehend it, and give it a sense of order”. Mio Pang Fei’s works are proven to reach the realm beyond principles and limits. This reflects his superior understanding and constant pursuit toward perfection in art. His works carry strong personality and significant oriental features. This is obvious in the “New Black & White Series”. The elements Tai Chi, metaphysic, and the genes or ink which cannot be distinguished appears upon the western art background. Today the eastern and western cultures are constantly integrating with each other; Mio Pang Fei’s works provide a new definition towards painting based on this background. That is a narration of abstract toward history and is also an interaction between the two cultures. The “Mountain and Sea Series” displays the texture of the geographic nature with exclamatory color and material, expressing both moderate and spectacular factors. Chinese character is also an element which Mio Pang Fei keens on. It seems to be a symbol which imprints his feeling towards Chinese culture in contemporary abstractionism.
Mio Pang Fei has hold a dozen of solo exhibitions in different locations including Macau, Hong Kong, China and Portugal and has also participated in a number of joint and group exhibitions around the world. This exhibition is curated by Tong Chong who is a curator and artist based in Macau. “A Frontier Odyssey” is a retrospective of Mio Pang Fei’s creation in the past twenty years. From the Mainland to Macau, and from the east to the west, Mio Pang Fei is always in the state of exploring. His exploration about abstract art once brought novelty to local art scene, until now a lot of his students are still very active in Macau.
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