您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 张武运——01100001艺术家个展
展览时间:2012-06-23 ~ 2012-08-26
策 展 人:张离
开幕时间:2012-06-23 15:00~18:00


张武运说,“生活中从小到大经历的景物都是我忏悔的对象。错了,也不只是忏悔,还有回忆,还有理想,还有希望。” 景物本身只是情感和表达的出入口。张武运显然在描绘身边景物的过程中,找到了一种构成个体情感依托的范式。他有意识地摒除习惯中的“意义”和“积极取向”,使心灵和视觉经验回归到原始的出发状态,在对绘画的本体性认识和艺术家情感和创造的自由表达的层面上,发起和触及最根本的问题,在绘画基本元素的控制和协调中生长出了有效的个人表达,并形成视觉上的文本。

从绘画语言来看,张武运对自己所熟悉的景物“凝神”乃至“闭目以对”,以潜意识和无意识的绘画行动,得到既细致敏感而又平淡自然的结果。 2012年的新个展体现了艺术家对自我和世界的进一步认识和体验,展现了表象背后真实的多重层面,寻常景物的熟悉和陌生状态的转化正是画家思绪和情感的流动。他的作品是对生命中真实声音的聆听,关照着没有被诱惑的内心的本真。

Born in 1981, Zhang Wuyun has laid a solid foundation for his painting career since early youth. During the past decade, he has kept painting sceneries around him in a seemingly plain way, as resistance and insistence in the dramatically changing social environment, or rather, in his own words, a sort of (religious) practice. For him as an artist, it also serves as a way of protecting and pursuing the traditional painting spirit in the "spectacle" of contemporary art.

"All sceneries seen in my life are objects for my confession. No, not only confession, but also memory, ideal and hope", said the artist. Scenery serves as a doorway for emotions and expressions. By depicting quotidian sceneries, Zhang Wuyun obviously found a canonicle form for individual emotions to rely on. By discarding so called “meaning” and “positive orientation” on purpose, he is trying to get spiritual and visual experiences back to the original starting point. He touches the basic issues in terms of ontological understanding of painting as well as free expression of artist’s emotion and creativity. Through control and coordination of basic elements of painting, an effective personal expression is developed and finally realized in the visual text.

Regarding language of painting, Zhang Wuyun used to face the familiar sceneries in a way of “mind concentration” or even “eye closure”, and through subconscious and unconscious actions of painting, he achieved a subtle and sensitive result on canvas that at the same time looks natural and matter-of-fact. The current solo exhibition shows the artist’s latest acknowledgement and experience of oneself and the world. Multiple layers of truth lie behind the presentation - transaction between the familiarity and the strangeness of daily sceneries indicates the flow of artist’s thoughts and emotions. His works echo the real sound of life, and reflect the realness of a heart that has not been tempted.

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