展览时间:2012-07-07 ~ 2012-08-05
开幕时间:2012-07-07 17:00~19:00
于吉的创作一直与自然相关,借用自然原型再延展的手法,用柔美、轻巧、敏感加以归纳,对自然物干预手段的不着力之轻,营造出无限的禅意。正如她对“青苔”主题的阐述:“水生苔藓植物,生长在水中或陆地阴湿处,无根无茎无叶。不知从何处生长,哪里收止。它绿色神秘,不易觉察地变化。”悬浮的方式与表皮的平淡互相交织将观者引领到自然中毫不起眼的场景里。在此,无需联想,静默地体验、感受足矣。于吉的才华在于拥有微弱地控制或者有限度地介入作品内在关联的能力。其创作意图并不在重塑景观,而是沉湎于微观的物质质感。 ——丁乙
于吉,生于1985年,现工作生活于上海。她的创作以雕塑和装置为主,近年也有涉及行为,影像等。于吉的大多作品讨论自然与时间的关系,她的艺术实践采取了最基本的和非事件化的方式重复进行。本次展览将带来于吉继去年冬天在北京的首个展 “我独自站立”之后的新作,展示她两年来诸多实验和日常练习。
Yu Ji’s creation is always related to nature. She creates an infinite sense of Zen by extending the model of nature, summing it all up with softness, lightness and sensitivity, intervening in things natural in such a light manner that it seems little force is applied, as she states in describing the theme of ‘Moss’: ‘A bryophyte that lives in water or damp places on the land, without roots, stocks or leaves. It is not know where it begins to grow or where it ends. It has mysterious colours that change imperceptibly.’ The way it suspends itself and the plainness of its surface are interwoven in such a way that the viewer is taken to a scene that is unstriking in nature. There is no need here for association as it is sufficient to experience it, to feel it, in total silence. Yu Ji’s talent lies where she has the ability to microly control the inner connection of the work or intervene in it in a limited manner, her intent not to re-shape the view but to indulge in the materiality of things on a micro basis. ——Ding Yi
Yu Ji, born in 1985, works and lives in Shanghai. Her works cover various medias, mainly sculpture and installation, also performance and video in recent years. Her works often articulate the relationship between time and nature, her artistic practices act as circles of repeats in the most simple and non-drama way. MOSS: Ju Ji's solo show will present some new works since her very first solo exhibition I Stand Alone held in Beijing C-Space last winter. These works will reveal her experiments and daily practices in the past two years.
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