展览时间:2010-11-15 ~ 2010-11-28
策 展 人:朱青生
赞 助:芳草地
开幕时间:2010-11-14 16:00
九十年代中期是我艺术生涯最惨淡的岁月,正是这个时期我遇上的迈克尔. 杰克逊的舞蹈和音乐。他的确给我了力量,时至今日忆起当年的思绪仍然怦然感动。古往今来的杰出者十有八九是富悲剧性的,当然迈克尔杰克逊也不例外。他说“自从我打破猫王的纪录以来,然后呢?他们叫我畸形人,同性恋者,性骚扰小孩的怪胎!他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,做一切可做的来诋毁我。”
陈文令2010 年8 月5 日于北京
I was in the worst circumstances of my artistic career during mid-1990s. It was just then that I learnt about Michael Jackson, about his dance and music. In a way he offered me great mental support, and I am still touched by that feeling now whenever I comes to me. Of all the successful people throughout history, most of them suffer from tragedy.Michael Jackson is no exception. He said: “Ever since I broke Elvis’record, guess what, they started to call me freak, gay, pedophiliac pervert! They said I bleached my own skin, and they did everything possible to slander me.”
I use the great numeric difference between a swift steed and coarse beetles, such as their size, talent, position and the number of the species respectively, and the miserable dilemma that the steed suffers, to reflect and prove the theory of the ancient Chinese saying“The wind will destroy the tallest tree in the forest, the water will tear down the sharpest stone on the cliff, the crowd will slander the person who has the noblest virtue”. This is somehow the predicament and paradox of human living of all ages, as a metaphor of the complex relationships of internal conflicts between individuals, nations, races and even species.
Chen Wenling, Aug 5th, 2010 in Beijing
Duration: Nov 15th – 28th
Venue: 2nd floor of building 1
human living of all ages, as a metaphor of the complex relationships of internal conflicts between individuals, nations, races and even species.
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