展览时间:2011-10-15 ~ 2012-01-29
策 展 人:南条史生
(July 20, 2011 Shanghai, China) The Rockbund Art Museum (RAM) re-opens in Shanghai on October 15, 2011, after completing Phase II of the historical building’s renovations for presenting contemporary art, with Q Confucius - the largest solo exhibition in China by world-renowned artist Zhang Huan. With Confucius as his inspiration, the now Shanghai-based artist explores the impact on art, society, and religion of China’s rapid economic, cultural, and environmental changes. All new work has been commissioned specifically for RAM’s exhibition featuring animated large-scale sculptures, paintings, ash paintings and installations. Zhang Huan: Q Confucius, guest curated by Fumio Nanjo, Director of Mori Art Museum, Tokyo will be on view from October 15, 2011 – January 29, 2012, accompanied by a catalog and a series of talks and panel discussions.
Q Confucius originates from a series of questions Zhang Huan posed about the future: Faced with rapid economic and societal changes and energy, climate, and environmental challenges, how can human beings achieve sustainable and harmonious development and restrain from rapacious plunder? What responsibilities come with China’s rise in international prominence and power; and how do we build a new international order in politics, economics and culture? Where is the sense of spiritual belonging for contemporary Chinese – should there be a return to tradition, a closer alignment to the west, or something new? Though these questions seem immense and unrelated, Zhang Huan finds them to be critically interconnected and hopes the exhibition will provide a structure to observe, reflect, and instigate discussion. Using Confucius as a symbol throughout the exhibition, the artist provides a context for the questioning of spirituality in contemporary China, contrasting the Chinese spiritual leader’s beliefs with the teachings of Jesus and other religious beliefs.
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