展览时间:2012-05-15 ~ 2012-06-30
策 展 人:马琳
开幕时间:2012-05-15 16:30
在当代艺术批评领域,水墨话题的争论是最激烈的,也是持续时间最长的一个领域。2000年以后,水墨的争论已经从简单的传统与现代之争转化到更复杂的语境,创作也从要不要现代转到如何现代,艺术家和评论家也从简单的批判传统转到如何在批判中发展传统。在这样的背景下,上海宝山国际民间艺术博览馆于2012年5月15日举办了“水+墨”展览就这些话题进行深入的讨论。本次“水+墨”展览邀请的八位艺术家,既有参与早期1980年代、1990年代活跃的、出色的代表性艺术家, 如陈心懋、 张健君、 王天德、王南溟、陈光武和潘缨,也有现在刚成长起来的、具有潜力的年轻艺术家,如李周卫和刘永涛。参展艺术家以上海为主,也有来自有北京和广州的艺术家。这八个艺术家分别从不同的角度,比如说从观念的角度,批判的角度,抽象的角度,书法的角度,人物画的角度和自然景观的角度,在水墨这一领域里面进行实验。
In the realm of contemporary art criticism, the topic of ink has found the fiercest and longest argument. The argument over ink has been transformed from the simple contention on tradition or modernization to the more complicated context, the creation has shifted from whether to modernize to how to modernize and the artists and critics have changed their simple criticism to how to develop the tradition with criticism. Against this backdrop, the Water+Ink Exhibition to be held by Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Arts Exposition on May 15, 2012 will bring the topics into in-depth discussion. The eight artists invited to the exhibition include some outstanding representative artists who were active in the 1980s and 1990s such as Chen Xinmao, Zhang Jianjun, Wang Tiande, Wang Nanming, Chen Guangwu and Pan Ying, and some emerging and promising young artists such as Li Zhouwei and Liu Yongtao. Most of the participating artists are based in Shanghai with some from Beijing and Guangzhou. The eight artists have made experiments in the field of ink from different perspectives such as the concepts, criticism, abstract art, calligraphy, figure painting and natural landscape.
Ma Lin
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