展览时间:2012-06-03 ~ 2012-06-10
策 展 人:杭春晓
开幕时间:2012-06-03 15:00
Painting is the result of gaze, but more importantly, an artist's rhetorics. The experience from the gaze usually tends to be considered as "reality" and as the standard for the observation of the world. Artists, however, often challenge such "reality", i.e., to reveal the reality under the cover of the so-called "reality" by means of rhetorics of vision. It is probably the logic that Na Wei always adheres to in his art practice. From the metonymic use of "blue" and "white" to identify the hospital gown to the intertextuality between the color and realism involved, rhetorically expressing the result of the gaze has always been his way, or approach, to reflect on our reality. Even the recent triptychs reveal his unique rhetorics of gaze in view to the "color-silk" medium, direct representation of the property of tin-tube pigments along with the intertextuality between "blue" and "white" and realism. Beneath such rhetorics lies his perception of the world as an individual.
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