您的当前位置: 首页 > 征稿 > 上海大学美术学院“移动工作室项目”征集
作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-04-25

Sponsored by Public Art Station Team of Fine Art College of Shanghai University,Public Art Station (pas) is call for proposal and partners, we are  looking forward to your participation and support. Public Art Station officially kicked off in 2011. With public spaces turning into an open and dynamic site, people can showcase their exploration in experimental art as freely as they wish, and different cultures can share the stage to express their understandings toward art. Interested candidates can submit your proposal(s) to us. Those to be selected will enjoy the support from the organizer and the opportunity to implement their ideas. We look forward to your participation. 

PAS  Application Requirements

Applicants: Art practitioner / Art group
Deadline: 28, June, 2011
Required materials: CV, description of your idea, draft(s), equipment(s) needed, & budget, etc.
You should submit your proposal to: publicartstation@gmail.com

About PAS

Public Art State is an open event aiming to present public art in urban public space (as well as virtual space) to practise and further explore the possibility of public art education via interaction among public space, artists and the general public; to enrich the means of creation and curation; and to enhance the influence and awareness of art in the public realm. Sites with multiple functions such as display, explanation and artistic practice, will be set up in various urban public spaces, endeavoring to discover, support and promote art practitioner(s)/group(s) as well as the development of avant-garde and experimental art. In the meantime, we also hope to carve out a platform for the general public to freely showcase their creativity and converse with art. For more info: http://t.sina.com.cn/publicartstation

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