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2012的预言,我不相信 - 问张广先的18个问题
作者:李静 张广先    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2010-12-26

10. I understand that you are concerned about and criticize social problems, such as your "Hero". But your painting is so cute and cartoony. How do you put these viewpoints and ideas into your work?

There is no contradiction between cute cartoon and realistic criticism. Cartoon itself is the unique style of our young generation. Sometimes its irony and straightforwardness are more attractive and can easier trigger the young people to think about the reality. Actually I haven’t thought that much. For me, the criticism of art is usually powerless. A social problem can only be resolved inside the society. I just want to reflect the object reality using my own way. There are so many methods and channels for art to speak, I just picked cartoon spontaneously. “Hero” is a work in memory of Yang Jia. I always imagine him still alive, and his mental condition is so aggressive and disturbed toward the social reality.

11. Most of the characters in your works do not look like human. Their skin are bluish, also their facial features are exaggerated, but seems that they have human behavior and expression. What kind of group they belong to? What idea you want to express to the audiences?

The design of bluish skin and exaggerated facial features is to create a extreme sense of form. Apart from that, the most important reason is to acquire a mysterious sense of future. I am not trying to depict any special group. They are just symbols which assist me to transmit the information. To speak bluntly, I make them non-human to attract human’s attention, haha. But they won’t make you feel strange. The bluish skin is a real metaphor. I’m afraid the problem of environmental pollution will make blue no longer a representation of good exists. Before our sky became even darker, I would like use this symbol to remind us what we are going to lose.

12. Please evaluate your own work. Which one you like the best?

If full score is 100, I give myself 80. I like “Private Scenery” the best till now.

13. What is the unique feature of your work?

There may be some sort of strange sense caused by the combination of surreal appearance and real content.

14. Are you satisfied with the current creative state? Why?

I am not so demanding toward life, so my freedom of creativity is pretty large. I am easy to be satisfied. There are some works with great consumption that I can’t do until now, I will have a try after this exhibition.

15. I especially like your "light", it used a cold tone but gives out a warm feeling, which makes me very comfortable. Are you telling stories in your works? What story are you telling in this piece of work?

Perhaps most of my works are telling stories, about life, love and politics. "Light" portrayed a girl with a broken heart. She is a little shy toward the “shot”, a little bit timid but pretty stubborn. A warm light likes a burn hits in the face, implies the beauty and cruelty of youth.

16. Who is your favorite artist? What kind of enlightenment have you received from him/her?

Ai Weiwei, he is the representative of good intellectual, a brave man with highly unified mind and art practice. He revealed to me that as an ordinary citizen, one must fight against the reality for the basic rights of freedom and equality, for both oneself and others.

17. What is your plan for the future? Your goals?

I won’t think too far away, I hope next year I can focus my time and energy to create, mostly in sculpture and painting. My goal is to chase the excellence.

18. Do you believe the prediction of 2012 doomsday? If you do, what you have to do before that day?

I do not believe. If I do, I will spend my last minute with my family.

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