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作者:郑荣焕    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-08-15

Wang tianliang’s art

Unsertainty is the feature of contemporary art worldwide, among those who pursue new language for their artistic expression, Wang is always challaging the limits. The regulations inside the Fine Art system is not existing for Wang, sculptor, painter, lacquer artist, either of them can be a proper title for him, only Artist can cover the arts he’s creating.For Wang, it’s not necessary to classify paintings, his own vision experience and inner expansion can’t be described with a single way or feeling,but he still inherite Chinese tradition and pneuma, always pursue the fairyland where can express freely himself.I can sense the breathtaking energy from his works, vast and profound, the energy seems come from the universe and shares a recovering power. Meanwhile, to consolidate the knowledge of himself, to meet an innocent art curiosity, shows the uncertainty feature of modern art through a variety of methods. This is Wang’s art, from an artist and educator full of enthusiasm.

12th 2011
Zheng ronghuan
Profession in plastic art collage, Da Qiu University in Korea
Member in National Culture and Economy Committee

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