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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-23

《桃源·无生NO1》 140×120cm 油画 杨晖




The presentation of China's art has always been the same aura which lives through time. For thousands of years, it was imported or irrigated by foreign civilizations. There is nothing to do with the dynasty, the concept, or the technique, but it has always maintained its own unique ecology. The most fundamental reason is Chinese people whose own emotions can’t be avoid.

Chinese contemporary art is still moving forward on such a track. In my opinion, a variety of avant-garde art, various painting styles, and plenty of creative ideas is the performance of absorbing such a wide scale of civilization on Earth. Someone should taste new, and someone should speak pioneering ideas firstly. Time will tell whether it is appropriate or not.

I am not closed, nor stubborn. I would go another way to accept this world gradually. Traditional subjects which were good once, the Chinese people's traditional aesthetic, is still a way to touch the world.

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