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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-23

《人迹丛林》局部 李操 玻璃钢,PVC管  400×400×270cm 2007.6


I use the objects which are indispensable but most easily to be neglected in the daily life in my work, such as toilet bowl, wash basins, urinals and so on. They contain a lot of personal information and they have a close relationship with us. They are the points at which our physical waste is excreted from our body. They bring the material information of our body into another space. The components in the work including the joints are proportionately reduced to the miniature of the real objects. I try to use clay and the realistic skills to make it a visual ready-made, which looks authentic. But I organize them in the form of square arrays to form an entirety, making us passively outside the work, which widens the distance between the audience and the work. This allows us to look into this space and spy on our life and the relationships of people in both a familiar and an unfamiliar way.

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