王功新 (Wang Gongxin)
1960年出生于北京,1982年毕业于首都师范大学,1987年到1989年在纽约州立大学任访问学者并获硕士学位。1989年到1996年间生活工作于美国。1996年至今生活工作于北京。王功新是中国最早的新媒体艺术家之一,也是中国录像艺术的重要代表人物。自1990年代中期,他的作品多次代表新崛起的中国新媒体艺术参加海内外重要展览,包括1999年“由内至外”新中国艺术美国巡展 、2001年亚太多媒体艺术节、2002圣保罗双年展,2004年荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际录象节、2005年伦敦V&A美术馆“中国新摄影新录像艺术展”、2008年旧金山当代艺术美术馆、赫尔辛基奇亚斯玛当代艺术博物馆群展等。他是2006年“马爹利非凡人物艺术成就奖”获得者。他多年来保持着不怠的探索精神和实验意识,活跃于中国录象和新媒体艺术的舞台上。
Wang Gongxin was born in 1960 in Beijing. He graduated from Capital Normal University in 1982, and completed his MFA in SUNY at Cortland and Albany as visiting scholar from 1988. He lived in the US during 1989 and1996. He lives and works in Beijing since 1996. Wang Gongxin is one of the earliest new media artists in China, and a leading figure in China’s video art. His works have been shown in many important new media art exhibitions home and abroad since mid-1990s’, including “Inside out” - New China’ s Arts in the United States (1999), Venice Biennale (2001), Asia-Pacific Multimedia Art Festival (2001), São Paulo Biennale (2002), Holland Amsterdam International Video Festival (2004), “ Between Past and Future” at London Victoria and Albert Museum (2005), as well as group shows at SF MoMA and Kiasma Museum, Helsinki (2008) etc.. Wang Gongxin was honored in 2006 as the Martell artist of the year. With his pioneering and experimental spirits and efforts, Wang Gongxin has maintained an active figure on the international stage of video art and new media art for years.