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1+1: Discussion on Cross-Strait-Four-Regions Artistic Exchange Project(Part two)
作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-31

时  间:2010年10月19日
Time: 15:00—20:30, October 18, 2010
地  点:深圳 何香凝美术馆咨询厅
Venue: Consultancy Hall of Hexiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen city.
与会人员(按姓氏拼音顺序排列):百强、白小刺、陈志建、冯博一、苟娴煦、何明桂、黄卓轩、魂游、姜前维、Joao O Bruno Soares(苏约翰)刘俐蕴、梁远苇、单凯悌、Trilingua (设计师组合)、王德瑜、王晓松、邬建安、许雅舒、杨克宁、杨子健、姚仲涵、赵赵

Participants: (based on alphabetical order)
Bai Qiang, Bai Xiaoci, Chen Zhijian, Feng Boyi, Gou Xianxu, He Minggui, Huang Zhuoxian, Yun You, Jiang Qianwei, Joao O Bruno Soares, Liu Liyun, Liang Yuanwei, Shan Kaiti, Trilingua(Design Duo), Wang Deyu, Wang Xiaosong, Wu Jian’an, Xu Yashu, Yang Kening, Yang Zijian, Yao Zhonghan and Zhao Zhao

Media: Sohu Culture and Gallery
Photographer: Xie Anyu and Yao Zhiyan

Feng Boyi: this exhibition will be sent to Hongkong Art Center and Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts after it is completed in Hexiangning Art Museum starting from March 26, 2011. This morning, Liang Zhanfeng and Wang Deyu will give us introduction of Hongkong Art Center and Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts respectively. We can discuss any questions you may have. Then we will go to the site to take a look.

(The two introductions are omitted.)

Feng Boyi: according to information we had, the combination of 1+1 is completed substantially with only a few of artist unmatched after yesterday’s communication. So far we already moved toward the direction and the communication of 1+1 started. The theme, clue, approaches and materials of the cooperated creation remain to be discussed by each pair of artist. We have four to five months from now until the opening on March 26 next year. Of course, the works should be completed before that time since we need time to edit the catalogue and go through customs procedure for the transportation, etc. Later Wang Xiaosong will elaborate on details.

Yesterday evening, we curators had a discussion after the dinner and here I would like to explain two issues.

First, at the beginning we proposed that two artists cooperate on one work and then each of them send an independent work for the exhibition; so there would be three works from each pair of artists. If you make new work especially for the exhibition, we welcome but there is no material cost quota for that; moreover, individual work may conflict with the cooperated piece, weakened the characteristic of exchange we are promoting. Yesterday we had a discussion and decided to illustrate a strong picture of exchange; so two are expected to make one piece and in total there will be seven pieces for show without any individual creation. If you have any doubt about this arrangement, you can talk with us freely.

Second, in terms of visit to the opposite artist, we just provide one visit, for example, if there is pair between Taiwan and Hongkong artists, you two can decide one visit that is going to take place, Taiwan to Hongkong or Hongkong to Taiwan, rather than Taiwan to Hongkong and then Hongkong to Taiwan. We don’t have enough budget for that.

Now we have two pairs unmatched and it may involve adjustment. Your understanding will be appreciated during the adjustment.

Wang Deyu: I personally suggest dividing the space into units, for example, Hexiangning Art Museum grants you two a space to be organized at your will. It is up to you to present your works. In this way, the possibility of exhibiting previous works could be avoided. Space is just a pure conception, requires you to identify with it and handle it well.

Feng Boyi: now Wang Xiaosong will explain some issues as to how to distribute material cost quota and how to reimburse.

Wang Xiaosong: the invitation letter has every detail concerning this exhibition. We request you to submit the plan of the duo creation before December 1. Each pair will also contact curator during their communication and we also need to consider the feasibility of site construction based on the plan submitted to make sure some objective factors and technical conditions. The creation can be started after it is confirmed by curators, artists and organizer. We hope we can complete the work before the New Year since it is imperative to submit a formal document concerning exhibition plan and creation overview to Culture Affairs Bureau for approval.

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