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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-05-20

“30 Days: A Zhou Bin Project”

“Insect Trails”

While carrying out the 30 art works in 30 days project, I regulated my life as much as possible. Simplification was important, I concentrated on my own simple and trivial feelings, valued the immediate feelings that I could not anticipate, and then through my work I presented my thoughts. 30 works of art that I could not foresee are perhaps as exquisite as poetry, perhaps a cruel extreme, perhaps somewhat creative, or maybe they will make people wonder about what is not art on the most basic level. However, I don’t think this is what is important, what is important is to value one’s own intuition to make decisions; to enter into a creative state with dense and unknowable results and shoulder through thirty days.

Sensitive Words: “6” and “4” Hickeys

Everyone has memories that they hide deep in their hearts, these memories may connect with the proletariat of society or some private matter. One cannot be certain when such memories will return, and so everyone uses their own method of expression. Yet, if we want to make our memories public, and want to stress a method that borrows from art in order to express and define one’s artwork, then there needs to be in depth research into the language of art. Of course, this is not something one can receive by merely raising a hand.

Sensitive Words

This work follows the same creative technique that I always use, it sets up a form of performance that pushes the body into an uncontrollable state, and maintains the feeling through the work. This performance’s language is powerful in its simplicity and its meaning is clear-cut.

The Writer

A writer is perhaps hopeful or maybe melancholy, one may even be ignorant of the state of their own writing.

"The Project" has already entered its fifth day and life has been calm, regulated, and simple. I have started to spend more time speaking to myself, and many subtle feelings have become clear to me. I have been borrowing from external structures to express my emerging impulses, but often feel that it is lacking artistic merit and give up, and then I just let the time pass by. I want to be able to pass this threshold, and widen my artistic perspective.


Two nights ago I had an idea about how to make art, but yesterday's attempts to put it into practice ended in defeat. I found a group of large ants and made them walk across some bread, and "harmoniously" the ants actually ignored the food. People were astonished. Perhaps these were not the ants responsible for finding food. Yesterday at nightfall I found another group of ants, these ones were smaller and turned out to be very interested in some bread crumbs. At seven thirty this morning I got up and started working on my piece, and without any problems it was finished.

Talking Casually about Art

It’s already day six of the project at Liao Gezi #17, and so far each piece has been created independently. However, this weekend the 798 art district was packed with tourists, and I had a sudden impulse to make an interactive piece about conversation. Thank you to Bai Chongmin, Guan Yizhao, Gua Zi, Gao Yuan, Po Ju, Qingshui Huimei, Wang Chuyu, and Yu Weihe for their help.

Brighter and Sharper

The project is already at day seven, this work, "Brighter and Sharper," was a sudden inspiration and was finished without the slightest bit hesitation. In terms of my creative reflection, I can do it anywhere or anytime, but I haven't been sleeping well. It's been hot and stuffy, and I've been having a lot of dreams. It is a stifling pressured creativity, which brings to light the ways in which the control of the rhythms of life and work have over us are important. I want to keep things as simple and regulated as possible, to make myself as efficient as possible. I already feel as if I can complete this project without any problems and can reap the benefits.

I'd like to thank Liao Gezi #17 Art Space again for their help and support.

The Artist

Sound is one aspect of the body's energy. I've been staying in the art space everyday, and basically all my time is spent with myself. It has been exceptionally calm and quiet. Maybe this is why since "Sensitive Words" I've been hoping to involve more sound in my work.

One Grain of Rice

To make a large work is not easy, to make something small is even harder, but when making a small piece without using a subject, then reaching the end goal is especially difficult.
By chance, I came across this grain of rice that was collecting dust, and it really moved me. Later, I forgot about it and discarded it, I wonder if I will every see it again.


This is a video work. The long period of silence followed by suddenly spraying milk from my mouth is the key to creating dialogue between the work and the viewer. In order to make the project easier, I've been drinking milk that I don't like every day for breakfast, so then I always want to spew out this foul tasting milk and, as a result, often want to make this work. I place my line of thought in a relaxed open state. I pay attention to all of my everyday surroundings, and use them to reflect upon my work.

The Pedestrian

Behind this residence is mountain of coal, the first time I saw it I was moved by his how massive yet silent it was. I knew that I needed to make a piece that was connected to it. I walked up it for 70 minutes, I was exhausted, and its curves had changed. Its deep silence put it in contrast to a utopian feeling, which is an important component in art. When I was talking with Shao Yinong he unexpectedly used the word "pedestrian," a word which I have used here, I think it is the closest name to explain the intent of the work.

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