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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-05-20


Notes: This morning I denied the original proposal, for I need to use a large mug from 798 art zone for interaction with the tourists. Before I use it I vaguely feel the overuse permission of the artist’ work is needed, so I stopped that. Then project in this day seems making me nervous. Until 10:00 at night I still don’t have any idea, thinking I might finally hang a “blackboard” in the project. I start to drink some tea and take a look at the surroundings in the room, when I suddenly got the impulsion of having a dialogue with them. But I don’t know how?

When first starting the project, I picked up a feather on the road, and put it on the wall. As day goes by, I can even tell the time if I just look at the shadow of it. There’s nothing on the big white wall except for the feather, it is definitely the role.

There’s only three days left for the project, in this work, with the slow move of the light, there seem to be a farewell between me and these little objects, lingeringly and romantically.

Safety Distance

In 2004 I had a performance done in Taipei, with in my hand a live wire with bare copper, trying to reach a hanging copper wire in the air which connects to a light bulb. At the moment they connect, the whole house was illuminated. But it’s hard to balance the body, the light instantly went out, the whole scene was flickering. Today the space  suddenly loss power, I went to check the electricity, which reminded me the nervous and indescribable feeling at that time. Immediately I had the impulse to experience once more, with a different and simpler form of language, so there's this "safety distance".

Thanks to my friend Zhao Xilong who helps me to take pictures and also call ambulance in case of accidents.

Moon in Water

Chengdu is often cloudy, rarely seen sun and moon. Moon in Beijing seems especially bright and loveable. However, I miss somehow the rainy and humid sky in Chengdu.

Puzzled Trace

"30-day plan" ends today, it also happens to be my wife's birthday, all these years, her greatest wish is to see me painting again. However, art for me is a work not hobby, it needs a reason to exist, that is, it must have its own uniqueness, but only the difference of icon to others is not enough, the image is too rich nowadays.

I still want to draw this painting as a gift. It follows the logic of behavior as always: set a style and make the maximum possibility of subjective control of the body, following the lead of insect, wherever it goes.

Three hours later, too tired of the bug, it gets on the ground and moves no more. Wu Chengdian who helps recording repeated his sympathy to the bug, which aroused my compassion. I put bug back to field, work complete.


“30-day Project” is complete, I remind myself not to slam on the brakes, but to slow down gradually.

There’s only fear after the project, for I started the project with impulse, less than a week, I start to feel the physical and psychological pressure of the intensive work everyday. Sleep hours are less and less. I start to search work plan as soon as I get up, followed by continuous adjustment, negative, and then adjust until I have to hang up a blackboard at the end of the day. I go buy materials, find props, photographer, and assistant. But the most terrible thing is that I have no inspiration! Through the process of the project, the most commendable thing is to keep the regular, simple and quiet life and work status, sleep and get up in early hours. Except for print and basic home shopping, I barely go outside, staying inside drinking tea, listening to music, writing notes, thinking programs. Remain empty furniture in my space, a grain of rice on the ground can obviously be seen. Without network, I have a lot of time. Simple meals, and be a non-alcohol and non-smoke person. Shao Yinong said it’s like retreat practice, presumably it is a bit like that.

The implementation of the project brings me more than I ever expect, not only refers to the works, the whole life starts to be more effective with new ideas. It reminds me the teacher Su Ke from the college in 90’s, who gave me three words, one of them is "only to know mud on your feet when taking them out of water, the ability will be seen after two decades", until now it’s just two decades, how time flies!

Thanks for the understanding and support of the whole family!

Thanks to the help of friends!

Thanks to Zhang Xiaotao from Liaogezi 17 and principle of Ku Art!

Thanks to Duan Yizhao, for receiving daily e-mail for me. His Yizhao Studio had become my web cafe.

Thanks to the fan which not so many blades left, rotating day and night for cooling, now it can finally take a rest.

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