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Affairs to Remember——朱焯信装置作品展
作者:朱焯信    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-10-10

朱焯信 《五层楼》 Five-storey Mansions 装置作品(参加威尼斯双年展作品) 2011







In the 50’s and 60’s of the last century, residential buildings in Macau are mostly two to three-storey brick houses with tiled roofs. With social development and population growth, the government implemented new measure on building renovation in the 70’s and 80’s restricting the height of new buildings to be under 20 metres, which is five- to six-storey high. This height limit, which does not require elevators, favoured a lower cost in construction and maintenance and minimized concerns in fire control or crisis rescue. Since then, most two-storey brick houses were rebuilt into these five- to six-storey mansions, which had also changed the appearances and characters of Macau streets.

My parents were both construction workers back since the 60’s and they had participated in constructing hundreds of these five-storey mansions since the 70’s during the rebuilding of houses as mentioned above. My family had moved four times but all houses we lived in were in five-storey mansions and therefore, climbing five to six levels a few times everyday had never been a problem to us. I spent most of my childhood playing or earning some petty money in the construction sites of this kind of mansions and I always have a particular feelings and memories towards these mansions.

Whenever I see these five-story mansions lining the narrow streets of Macau, a feeling of coziness rises and the city at that moment seems to freeze and stay in the days of these five-storey forever.

As times goes by, more and more high-risers were built and many families moved from these five-storey mansions to these new residential buildings. The relationships between people and neighbours are never as closed as before. Days of flying kites and riding bicycles on the podium with the neighbouring kids have long gone.  Nowadays, 200-metre buildings are just next to clusters of these 20-metre old mansions forming a visual juxtaposition and the city of Macau keeps on changing in a way that is hardly to be defined as beautiful or ugly.

This artwork is made up of 12 images of different five-storey mansions in Macau. They will be placed in the room changing individually and automatically. The turning images and the effect of lighting will create shadows on the white walls resulting in an illusionary but at the same time realistic environment in which viewers can experience the beauty of these five-storey mansions.

Piano music composed by Macau composer Lei Vai Fan for the five-storey mansions will be played to accompany the artwork.

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